Fast Times at Ridgemont High

fast_times_at_ridgemont_high_film_posterWatching Fast Times at Ridgemont High almost 40 years after its release means beckoning a timepiece of history that has been preserved in video form. In a way, although it might not be the best created film, it represents a cultural segment of American history that transcended for the individuals that lived through an epoch. The fashion, language, and other shenanigans of the 80s are conveyed through a cast of characters that, although unknown at the moment, would become extremely important for Hollywood per-se. One can ever ponder how Sean Penn transitioned from his role as Jeff Spicoli into what he has become today, or how big hitters like Mike Damone got lost against the backdrop of cinema as the years passed. In short words, Cameron Crowe crafted a stereotypical coming of age film, but one where his characters are so well scripted that audiences root for them and care for them (who wouldn’t like to have a brother like Brad?). Fast Times at Ridgemont High so symbolically represents an era, genre and place that its inclusion in the Library of Congress is no surprise, being “culturally, historically and aesthetically significant”. A downside of its duration is the fact that audiences can’t get to know the characters in a more distinct manner (in comparison to TV series), especially those secondary personas that had a substantial impact on the film (Forest Whitaker).